Our mission is simple: Fix it. K-HIP is dedicated to selflessly advancing the common good for home inspection professionals, the public we are dedicated to serving, and making that wonder called The American Dream a reality for everyone we can.
Our Focus
Contact Us
Where We Meet
The Breckenridge Inn
2800 Breckenridge Lane
Louisville, KY 40220
(502) 456-5050
Breckenridge Inn
2800 Breckenridge Lane
Louisville, KY 40220
(502) 456-5050
Upcoming Events
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Legislative Calendar
You can download the upcoming legislative calendar HERE--> Legislative calendar Find more important dates on THE CALENDAR
Governor’s Executive Order Reorganizing Home Inspection & Real Estate Licensing
You can download Governor Bevin's Executive Order reorganizing home inspection & real estate licensing here--> Gov.'s Executive Order Look for important dates on THE CALENDAR